Inappropriate Ways of Greeting in English

格言网 2016-07-29 20:55:20
Inappropriate Ways of Greeting in English
It is inappropriate in English to greet people by asking whether they have eaten or not.Such a question in English is often taken as a genuine request for information. For example. if someone asks a friend whether he has had lunch or not, the person wants to know "yes" or "no". If the reply is "no". the person will go on to suggest that they go and have lunch to- gether. So, this kind of question cannot be used simply to greet a person. Another common way of greeting in Chinese is to ask "Where are you going". This question does not really ask for information, but merely acts as a greeting. So. it's quite all right if no clear and direct answer is given. However. in English such a question is normally a request for information. Such details are regarded as a personal matter. Foreigners often complain about being asked such a question.
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