Making Arrangements for the Company Visit

格言网 2016-07-29 21:16:58
You have to remember the following when you arrange an interview at a company.
Making Arrangements for the Company Visit
1. Before leaving on your trip, know the name and phone number of your contact and get directions to the facility. If possible, it is a good idea to do a trial run before the actual appointment time to prevent getting lost on the way to your interview.
2. In some cases, employers may provide transportation from the hotel to the office site. Get information regarding when and where you will be met.
3. If traveling by airplane, determine if you will need to arrange for your own transpor-tation from the airport. It may be the beat to carry on any luggage instead of checking it.Dress appropriately during your travels. You never know who may meet you at the airport.When you check into your hotel, always check for messages. Your recruiter may have upda-ted the schedule for you. Also. ask the hotel staff about checkout times. You may have to bring luggage with you to your office visit if you will not be returning to the hotel prior to their check-out time.
4. ALWAYS be on time. It's better to arrive early than late. Arriving early also gives you time to relax and do some last minute preparation.
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