Shopping Malls and Discount Stores

格言网 2016-07-29 21:19:51
Shopping malls are large shopping centers which have become very popular in the sub-urbs and even in some downtown areas of American cities. Malls are now found in many countries of the world as well. Malls are popular for two main reasons:1) There are many shops located close to one another under one roof. so there is no need to do a lot of walking outside in the cold or heats and 2) there is usually plenty of free parking around the mall.
Shopping Malls and Discount Stores
There are usually two large department stores-one at either end of the mall. Malls are decorated with trees and fountains and often contain movie theaters. restaurants, and all kinds of shops.
If you want to buy things at a good price in the United States, there are many large chain stores which sell items at a low price. WalMart and K-Mart are the two big discount stores. You can buy almost anything at these store.
Sears,a world-famous department store,also offers low prices, but it doesn't sell as many everyday items as the discount stores.J.C.Penny is another store that can be found in almost every town and city in the U.S.but specializes more in clothing than in other items.
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