Show Her the Way

格言网 2016-07-29 21:00:58
This morning Zhang Ming and his colleague went to work as usual. They were talking about their schedules when they saw a lady coming towards them. "Excuse me, but do you speak English?" "A little. madam. " She was pleased to hear that. Then she asked if they could show her the way to the University of Technology. Of course. it's next to their work- place. "Please come with us. madam. " said Zhang Ming. "Call me Miss White. " she said.
Show Her the Way
When they got to the building where Zhang Ming works. he pointed to the next en- trance and said, "Here you are. This is the university you are looking for." Miss White looked at it and said. "Are there two universities of technology?" Zhang Ming said. "This is a university of technology. but it is called Southeast University now. " Then Miss White de- scribed what her university looked like. Zhang Ming's colleague laughed and said. "She is looking for the one in the suburbs. " Zhang Ming felt ashamed for such a mistake and decided to take her there by taxi.
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