Getting the Message Across

格言网 2016-07-29 21:06:33
If you want to be successful in your work. you need to be good at making phone calls. You have to make your message clear. And you have to make sure the message is receives and understood. In other words. you have to get some feedback from the person who is ai the receiving end. You can then bring up remedies if the other person does not have the cor- rect or complete message.
Getting the Message Across
There are two questions you can ask yourself when you make a phone call: (a)why are you calling? (b) and have you got the message across? Reasons for making a telephone con- versation may include any of the following:
" Passing on factual information
" Making appointments
" Giving instructions to people
" Putting forward opinions and trying to persuade others
You have to present your message in a logical way. You don't want to make your phone call too long, and it's better for you to use plain language.
Finally. don't forget some unsaid rules about phone calls. You have to be polite by. for example. giving your name first, apologizing for messing up with the phone numbers. etc. To save time and become efficient in your work. get the message across over the phone.
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