Interview Questions

格言网 2016-07-29 21:34:17
There have been interviews as long as there have been jobs needing to be filled. This means that virtually any question you might be asked at an interview can be predicted and an answer prepared.
Normally, these types of questions will be asked, factual and human questions, open and closed questions. For each type. there's a different purpose.
Interview Questions
With some preparation. you can easily deal with the factual questions aimed to:
check your educational background;
and get more information about your interests, hobbies and non-educational experience.
Human questions are asked to identify what type of person you are. They deal with mat-ters of personal preference. attitude and opinion. As these questions aim to find out if you will fit into the job and the workplace. think about what job you're trying to get.
Will it require knowledge you haven't got yet? If so. be ready to explain your willing-ness and ability to learn or be trained. Does it involve talking to people or working in groups? Then an interviewer may want to find out about your interpersonal skills.
Open questions such as "What experience have you had of this sort of work?" require more than just a YES or NO answer. The interviewer is really asking you to tell him or her about your last job. This is your chance to show how much you're interested in the company and to find out if the job is really as interesting as it seems. So, tell him or her why. instead of just yes or no.
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